

Written Testimonials

Read Testimonial Statements from Satisfied Patients of the Rehrig Chiropractic & Wellness Center - Media PA

Dr. Dennis Rehrig
Your Media Chiropractor

Written Testimonials

Jen D.

People who know me would say that I take care of myself better than most. I eat healthy, exercise regularly, drink only one cup of coffee per day, and get regular adjustments from Dr. Rehrig. Then one day my usual healthy routine wasn’t enough. I felt sick; run down, and both physically and emotionally exhausted. I had been getting regular adjustments for the past five years and have really learned to listen to my body, so I assumed an adjustment was what I needed.

After my adjustment, I began to tell Dr. Rehrig about how I was feeling. He immediately checked me for an Omega-3 deficiency. Then, he gave me some fish oil to take, and the very next day I felt better! I took some home and faithfully took the fish oil as he directed. I continued to feel good; energized, and more like myself.

After four months I became addicted! I felt great, and revitalized daily with my fish oil! My friends constantly complemented me on the shininess of my hair and the clarity of my skin. At work I had better concentration, focus, and remembered more! My adjustments even seemed to last longer!

If you are not already convinced to get some quality Omega-3, I have more news. It has even changed my metabolism! My weight has always fluctuated by a few pounds which really could be uncomfortable for me, to say the least. But I have been able to keep those pesky pounds off, and I am no longer bloated after meals!

I think back to how I felt in months ago, and wish that others knew about the miracle of fish oil and regular adjustments. Dr. Rehrig always says, “If you could take one supplement a day, it should be fish oil”. Ask Dr. Rehrig to check you today, and become a fish oil addict like me!

Jen D.

He seemed to immediately identify with all of my complaints, and I had relief right away! Later I started on Dr. Rehrig’s Health Improvement Program, it never occurred to me that I should mention my other chronic issues such as hot flashes, sinus infections, and arthritis in my thumbs. Dr. Rehrig seemed to find the real reason for all the issues that I had. My sinus infection was due to a parasite, which was cleared immediately, and good quality Fish Oil really helped my arthritis. He has also helped my daughter in multiple ways. I tell everyone to come and see Dr. Rehrig! Sally B.

Years ago, I was enthusiastically doing aerobics, when it felt like someone hit me with the back of a shovel, right on the back of my neck. I took Advil

for years; I could manage my problems with Advil, but I did not want to live like that. I had never been to a chiropractor before, and after a few friends gave me Dr. Rehrig’s name, I decided to take the plunge. He was wonderful from the start. He seemed to immediately identify with all of my complaints, and I had relief right away!

Later I started on Dr. Rehrig’s Health Improvement Program, it never occurred to me that I should mention my other chronic issues such as hot flashes, sinus infections, and arthritis in my thumbs. Dr. Rehrig seemed to find the real reason for all the issues that I had. My sinus infection was due to a parasite, which was cleared immediately, and good quality Fish Oil really helped my arthritis. He has also helped my daughter in multiple ways. I tell everyone to come and see Dr. Rehrig!

Sally B.

Laura S.

I was having minor heart burn when medical doctors put me on Nexium, which made the heart burn much worse. They told me to just keep taking more and more which caused the heart burn to become excruciating! I would be up all night long with tremendous heartburn, my food would not digest properly, I became constipated and my body became addicted to the Nexium pills, which also caused acid reflux.

Now, I feel like a million bucks thanks to Dr. Rehrig, his staff and all they have done for me! I am like a completely different person! Dr. Rehrig figured out the cause of the initial heartburn; which was a hiatal hernia, and he fixed it! I don’t know where I’d be if it wasn’t for Dr. Rehrig, his staff and the gift of health they have given to me! I thank the Lord for Dr. Rehrig!

Laura S.

Roberta E.

I have been coming to Rehrig Chiropractic and Wellness Center for almost 3 years, and since then I have learned more about my health and my body then all the years that I have been going to doctors put together!

I began coming for Chiropractic visits due to desperate low back pain – my doctor had diagnosed me with “Spinal Stenosis”. Dr. Rehrig began to help me with these ongoing back aches. After my back was feeling better, I decided to try the Health Improvement Program that Dr. Rehrig offered – I knew that I definitely needed some help: I was not sleeping well, I had terrible arthritis, my balance was not good, I would walk and my ankles would give out for no reason, I had weakness and pain in my shoulder, and ached everywhere.

After seeing Dr. Rehrig, I realized that almost all my problems stemmed from some inflammatory issues. I started taking fish oil and Dr. Rehrig gave me great advice on what to eat or not eat. He has helped tremendously with all my problems over the past few years. I can’t tell you how wonderful it has been to come here, and I am not sure where I would be without Dr. Rehrig. He has helped me regain my health, and I now have learned how to be able to maintain it myself!

Roberta E.

Winifred M.

Dr. Rehrig’s analysis procedure has so valuable to me. He is able to test to discover each patient’s most important needs. His suggestions after analysis have been of immense value to me.

I am a symphonic musician and need to be extremely accurate in concert performance. With the gradual improvement in my health, I am able to think more clearly and improve my concentration for difficult performances.

Winifred M.

Maureen M.

When I met Dr. Rehrig 2½ years ago, I was struggling with tension headaches, some heart palpations, irregular menstrual cycle and the highest on my priority list – infertility. We really wanted to start a family, and I was diagnosed with mild Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which apparently was affecting my ability to have children. I did begin some fertility treatments which had not helped, and then thought I would take a break from them for a while.

Well, I began my road to health with regular adjustments, and also started on Dr. Rehrig’s Health Improvement Program. Overall, I was feeling much better, Dr. Rehrig helped one issue after another, but on one of my visits, Dr. Rehrig told me that my belly button ring and the scar that it created was causing some problems, so I obeyed the Doctor and took it out. Well, the most exciting news is that just after that I did get pregnant, and had a healthy full-term baby boy in April 2008, which we are very thankful for! I would recommend this Health Improvement Program for any issues – including infertility!

Maureen M.

Antonio G.

I have been coming to Rehrig Chiropractic and Wellness Center for about 10 years. Before that I was struggling with very frequent headaches, sciatica pain, low back pain, and seasonal allergies. I had these issues for a few years, and was doing physical therapy, and was often taking Advil and Tylenol. It was difficult to concentrate at work, and I was certainly feeling miserable with all my health problems.

After two months of treatment with Dr. Rehrig, I had no low back pain, no sciatica, and no headaches, and my seasonal allergies were much better. I also notice how much better I feel in general after changing my eating habits, due to Dr. Rehrig’s coaching. Recently, I attended Dr. Rehrig’s workshop on Silent Inflammation, which was very informative and helpful to me. I tell all my friends about Dr. Rehrig’s techniques, and I am thankful for what he has done for me!

Antonio G.

Trudy F.

I originally came to see Dr. Rehrig about 30 years ago because of low back pain, which he quickly helped, but over the years, he has also helped with all my issues, such as shoulder, neck, and upper back pains. I appreciate that he has always been very sympathetic to my complaints. Recently, I began doing Dr. Rehrig’s Health Improvement Program, and since then, I have noticed that my general health has improved overall with more energy and that I have needed less chiropractic adjustments. So, whenever I have a new problem that ails me, I simply make an appointment with Dr. Rehrig!

Trudy F.

Whitney H.

I first came to see Dr. Rehrig about one year ago. I had been struggling with a loss of energy, weight gain, and mental confusion. I had seen another chiropractor for a while, but I did not feel any better.

When I met Dr. Rehrig, it took a few months before I noticed a real difference. I know that I had a problem with refined white sugar, and one day he told me to eliminate fruit sugar from my diet as well, and that made the biggest impact on my health!

I almost couldn’t believe that temporarily eliminating simple fruit sugar was such an important key to my health, but Dr. Rehrig had the know-how to be able to test exactly what was so detrimental to my body, and I am very thankful for that!

Whitney H.

Janet M.

Before I came to Rehrig Chiropractic and Wellness Center, I was always very tired, and huffing and puffing. My medical doctor took a series of tests that told me that my thyroid was found to be not functioning at capacity and that I needed certain prescription drugs. I was a little surprised at the diagnosis and wanted to retake the test, and I also wondered if exercise and eating better would help. The doctor insisted that I needed the drugs, yet I didn’t feel comfortable taking some laboratory concocted product for the rest of my life.

Then through the grapevine, I heard about Dr. Rehrig’s Health Improvement Program. After Dr. Rehrig’s testing, it turned out that my thyroid was not the issue, it was a malfunction of my adrenals glands. Now, that I am on the correct supplements, I am feeling so much better. This is probably the most important thing that I do for my health!

Janet M.


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